10 June 2020 Juniper Springs Florida

We visited Juniper Springs Recreation Area which is not a State Park because it is in the Ocala National Forest. its a pretty place to visit and go swimming.

I did not go swimming here because there is alligators in there. One is just to the left of the rope with the floats. he had been making a noise all day which sounded like a bull frog. Water was too cold for ma anyway.

   There are nice sidewalk with wheel chair access. 

Right down the road a few miles is Alexander Springs Recreational Area. It has what looks like a swimming pool around the springs. No Alligators in there.

This is an old mill with a water wheel on the other side. it was locked  up but I took pictures thru the windows. Looks like they rent it out.

There is a lot of water running over that wheel.

This was an old bridge that is no longer used to walk across but it is nice to look at.